Bonus Content

Here are some special bonus content that you can view related to Auteryx. This includes promotional material like trailers, books, etc. or simply just cool tidbits that JINIPPYBASILE has made!

Auteryx Teaser Trailer

  • Date of Creation: May 8th 2024

  • Description: A teaser trailer that I created to run at a station where I presented the original Auteryx Lorekeeper and worldbuiling project for my CAS Exhibition.

  • Creator's Note: I remember that I made this at the last minute... if I ever do make a better trailer I will, but this wil have to do for now, I guess?

Auteryx Concept Art Book

  • Date of Creation: May 8th 2024

  • Description: A small concept art book made for the CAS Exhibition. It features several aspects of the Auteryx species' world and creation that is not fully expanded on in the website.

  • Creator's Note: Like the video I procrastinated on this one too.. dang I guess I should work on better time management.

Branding Guide

  • Date of Creation: August 2023

  • Description: A rudimentary branding guide made for Auteryx in its early days. It used desaturated gray tones, alongside earthy, natural colors.

  • Creator's Note: Honestly this is really outdated, I should make another one.. I think Auteryx is more turquoise/blue nowadays!