World Expanded

The world of the Auteryx is the Defur'ii Isles; you can learn more about the Isles' geography, species, history, and more through the World Expanded page! Further develop your understanding of the Auteryx's home!

Basic Information
The Defur’ii Isles is located near the equator, abut it originally sepeprated from tehe coast of southern Europe. As the island body approached equator, the island became categorized as a rocky island with several waterways and rainforests, due to the humid and hot climate of the equator. The coasts of the island are very rocky, there are several tall cliffs- still, the island has golden, sandy beaches, which makes for a beautiful sunset view. Across the coast, there are several caves and underground systems, which can be very dangerous to navigate because they are very unstable and can cave in. Further in the island, the rocky outer edges slowly transition into lush rainforests, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The Defur’ii I sles has one main island, but also has small island fragments surrounding it. The further islands are more sandy and rocky than the interior.
Overall, the Defur’ii Isles is more or less a tropical island, but different regions of the island have their own unique geographical evironment, which in turn promotes the cultural and societal differences between the auteryx.