Auteryx ARPG Stats
Here is a comprehensive guide/explanation on how ARPG on your stats work! Unsure what stats are?
They are the different numbers, multipliers, and abilities that are featured on each Auteryx's
masterlist profile!
Here is a comprehensive guide/explanation on how ARPG on your stats work! Unsure what stats are? They are the different numbers, multipliers, and abilities that are featured on each Auteryx's masterlist profile!
- Griffes are special symbols on auteryx that denote their achievements and special abilities; a comprehensive list on all available griffes and how to obtain them are here!
- Griffes grant special abilities to auteryx that can grant them bonuses when foraging or participating in events, prompts, and species spaces. These will be further explained and elaborated upon in each griffe's individual profile on how they may boost or even decrease your auteryx's other stats. Read below to find out how these stats can be used/applied in the species!
Stats Info
Find out below on how the different stats work and examples of their application!